Monday, March 25, 2013

For healthy skin; breath, breath, breath...deeply

Deep slow controlled breathing energizes your body by shifting your body's balance of oxygen vs carbon dioxide. It's a form of meditation; when you focus on your breathing you are not focused on anything else, this brings you to a deeper level of consciousness  releasing stress. Knock off stress, knockoff 6 years, look younger, feel alive.

This is the way...
Sit in a chair with your back comfortably upright, feet on the floor, shoulders down, chest open, and hands resting in your lap. Close your eyes and really focus on your breaths. Let your abdomen (not chest) expand with each inhale and contract with every exhalation.

First - Let it all out
Take a deep breath through your nose, and let it out easily through your mouth. At the end of the exhalation, silently repeat "la-lala-la-laaah," which effortlessly extends the exhalation, releasing more air from your lungs. Feel your abdomen inflate with the next inhale. Do 5 times.

Then - Take a pause
Inhale and exhale through your nose, mentally counting "in-two-three, out-two-three," and then "pause-two-three." During the pause, don't breathe in or out; just rest comfortably. Do 5 times. Over time, increase the count to four ("in-two-three-four, out-two-three-four"), then to five, until you reach a number that's comfortable to you.

Finally - Hold it
This technique can help you dial down a stressful reaction to upsetting news and can help you fall asleep, too. It takes a little practice, but people who use the technique swear by it. It's the four-seven-eight-breath.

Place the tip of your tongue just behind your upper front teeth; let it rest there gently for the entire exercise. Exhale completely through your mouth, letting the air make a whooshing sound as it passes out.

Close your mouth, and inhale through your nose as you mentally count to four. Let the breath fill and expand your abdomen as you inhale, and then hold your breath for a count of seven.

Exhale through your mouth with a whoosh to a count of eight. That's one complete four-seven-eight breath. Do four times. To keep stress in check, do at least one of these breathing exercises twice a day.

Please share your personal beauty secrets with me, I will publish them on this blog. 

Life is Fabulous...:-)

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