Monday, August 12, 2013

Kenya Institute of Management: Managing in Heels

Nana Wanjau, Saltaway Investments with Gladys Boss Shollei, Chief Registra of the Judiciary.

"They say that if you have seen farther than others, it is because you stood on the shoulders of a giant. For me that giant is my mother who was a no-nonsense disciplinarian. For her, 90 per cent was never good enough; only 100 per cent was acceptable.
I got my confidence from my father. He was always full of praise for us. He would tell me I was the greatest and the best, even when I obviously was not." Gladys Boss Shollei

The journey of a woman and leadership in Africa has been long with commendable milestones.  Women today can stand tall and be counted in many sectors of the economy playing very fundamental leadership roles while at the same time equally succeeding as caregivers at the home front.

KIM have embarked on a five year theme dubbed "Women Stand Tall. Be Counted" with an intention of empowering women to proactively take their rightful place in various spheres of leadership. KIM intends to use the platform to mobilize resources towards supporting women programmes that will see them get empowered through training, mentorship and role modeling. The main goal is to create the next generation of women at various levels who are confident, brave and determined to make a difference in the society and create a legacy for generations to come.

"I am made in Gods own Image; Whole, Complete & Irresistibly Fabulous..." Nana Wanjau

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